2021.10-11、Business Discovers TikTok-評価4.2




  • Fortune、October/November 2021、Business Discovers TikTok! Corporate American is racing to cash in on the addictive video platform - and the booming creator economy





  • 広告:Samsung Galaxy Z fold3 | Flip 3 5G。折り畳み式携帯

  • P6 Under the Influencers, by Brian O'Keefe, editor-in-chief
    • TikTok's creator economy is a $104-billion-and-growing ecosystem of the following people:
      • self-propelled entertainers

      • experts

      • everyday folks

    • According to TikTok, it now works with hundreds of thousands of advertisers, who are hoping to go viral (ウイルス性を持って伝播する。病毒式传播) in a good way.

    • Fortune contributor Jeffrey M. O'Brien learned a couple of core lessons from his conversations with TikTok's creators and marketers:
      • don't be shy

      • be yourself. totally authentic (信憑性のある)

      • If you create something funny or wise, it will pop because of the power of the algorithm

      • TikTok's radical bias in favor of authenticity of all types makes for a vibrant landscape.

      • TikTok ID of some real-world influencers:
        1. @barbarakristoffersen

        2. @kendrascott

        3. @hannahschlenker

        4. @jamessherry

        5. @squishmallows

        6. @alexisnikole

        7. @skincarebyhyram

        8. @humphreytalks

        9. @trinidad1967

        10. @kyliecosmetics

        11. @beauty2thestreetz

        12. @kentuckyfriedchicken

        13. @walkerhayesofficial

        14. @hellosweetscandy

        15. @bennydrama7

        16. @itsjojosiwa

        17. @detroitlions

        18. @siderswoodcrafting

  • P16-18 China to Teens: Game Over. Beijing's video game crackdown is about more than screen time. By Grady McGregor
    • Today, China's $44 billion gaming industry is the world's largest, $2 billion bigger than No.2's, the U.S., according to Newzoo research. $31.6B for mobile gaming, and $10.7B for PC gaming.

    • In the early 2000s, Beijing's contradictory stance toward video games was on full display. The first major video game regulation arrived in 2000 when it banned consoles like Sony's PlayStation.

    • For years, mobile gaming went relatively unchecked, and usage ballooned. China has 727.2 million gamers, Niko Partners estimates: 94% of them play on smartphones and 15% are under 18.

    • Top mobile games in China in 2020:
      1. Honor of Kings (Tencent) $2.5 billion

      2. Game for Peace (Tencent) $1.6 billion

      3. Three Kingdoms Tactics (Alibaba) $776 million

      4. Fantasy Westward Journey (NetEase) $611 million

      5. AFK Arena (Lilith Games) $346 million

  • P19-32 Most powerful women in the USA
    • Rank No. 1: Karen Lynch, CEO, 58, CVS Health, promoted on Feb. 1, 2021. CVS Health is the fourth biggest company in the country, and the largest in health care, America's biggest and in many ways most backward industry.

    • Rank No. 2: Jane Fraser, CEO, 54, Citi, promoted in March 2021. The first female chief among major Wall Street banks.

    • Rank No. 3: Julie Sweet, Chair and CEO, 53, Accenture.
      • Accenture brought in $50.5 billion in revenue in its fiscal 2021, up 14% over the previous year, and continues to pour resources into new tech like 5G, blockchains and edge computing.

      • Accenture has also turned its attention to the environmental crisis, vowing to achieve net zero by 2025.

    • Rank No. 8: Abigail Johnson, Chairman and CEO, 59, Fidelity Investments.
      • Johnson has her eye on the next generation of investors, launching new accounts for teens and using sites like Reddit to answer investor questions.

      • Fidelity is all in on crypto; it is one of the largest financial institutions involved in Bitcoin custody.

      • The company hit a record $21 billion in revenue in 2020.

    • Rank No. 9: Ruth Porat, SVP and CFO, 63, Google, Alphabet.
      • Under her watch, the company is investing in practical areas likely to make an immediate financial impact, like cloud computing and video-streaming.

      • The company's shares have grown a whopping(なんと) 100% year over year and it is valued at nearly $2 trillion.

    • Rank No. 11: Angela Hwang, Group President, Biopharmaceuticals(バイオ医薬品), 55, Pfizer.
      • Hwang takes a hefty(重い) slice of the credit for its booming COVID-19 vaccine sales, which the drug maker projects will hit $33.5 billion in 2021.

      • She has bee recognized by outside organizations for her efforts to promote diversity, equity and inclusion(多様性、公平性、包括性).

      • She has overseen donation efforts for groups that support the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.

      • She had pushed for passage of the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act to combat the rise of anti-Asian discrimination and violence seen during the pandemic. President Joe Biden signed the legislation into law in May.

      • [UPS] Angela Hwang Pfizerのエグゼクティブ・チームのメンバーで、Pfizerの売上の80%を占めるPfizer Biopharmaceuticals Groupのグループプレジデント。2020年にUPSの取締役となり、監査委員会を担当。ケープタウン大学で微生物学および生化学で学士号、コーネル大学でMBAを取得。

      • [YouTube] Voice of Outstanding 50 - Angela Hwang, Asian American Business Development Center, 2021.8.16 Challenges for non-white and second generation of Chinese immigrant.

      • [Youtube] Breakthrough Moments & Career Reflections: A Conversation with Pfizer's Angela Hwang, BioCT, 2021.1.22 Grew up in South Africa

    • Rank No. 12: Sheryl Sandberg, COO, 52, Facebook
      • Facebook posted nearly $86 billion in revenue in fiscal 2020, up 22% from the year before.

      • Reports say Sandberg no longer wields the internal influence she once did (Facebook has denied this claim).

    • Rank No. 13: Corie Barry, CEO, 46, Best Buy
      • After steering Best Buy through the first year of the pandemic, and overseeing a comparable sales jump of almost 10% in the process.

    • Rank No. 15: Safra Catz, CEO, 59, Oracle
      • Catz has the challenging job of repositioning the database company as a titan amid fierce competition amid fierce competition from the likes of AWS and Microsoft.

      • While its cloud business is smaller than those rivals, Oracle has been spending more money building expensive data centers to help power the fledging(巣立ちする) unit.

    • Rank No. 16: Amy Hood, EVP and CFO, 50, Microsoft
      • Microsoft now valued at more than $2 trillion.

      • Bought Nuance Communications, a voice recognition player, for nearly $20 billion

    • Rank No. 17: Alicia Boler Davis, SVP Global Customer Fulfillment, 52, Amazon

    • Rank No. 18: Susan Wojcicki, CEO, YouTube, 53, Google, Alphabet
      • YouTube is just slightly smaller than NetFlix

      • Proliferation(拡散)of misinformation on YouTube continues to haunt(出没) the company, especially amid the pandemic, when the spread of anti-vaccine messaging is contributing to a public health crisis.

    • Rank No. 24: Kathryn McLay, President and CEO, Sam's Club, 47, Walmart

    • Rank No. 31: Lisa Su, President and CEO, 51, AMD

    • Rank No. 35: Sonia Syngal, CEO, 51, Gap Inc.

    • Rank No. 41: Gwynne Shotwell, President and COO, 57. SpaceX.
      • Elon Musk may be the public face of SpaceX, but it's Shotwell who calls the shots day-to-day.

      • SpaceX was recently valued at $74 billion.

    • Rank No. 43: Adena Friedma, President and CEO, 52, Nasdaq
      • Nasdaq's technology powers 130 global markets, and revenue was up 32% to $5.6 billion in 2020.

      • In 2021, the stock exchange won SEC approval for a groundbreaking board diversity proposal. The new rules require gender and racial diversity in board at listed companies.

    • Rank No. 44: Anne Chow(周慧安), CEO, AT&T Business, 55, AT&T
    • Future names: Vanessa Pappas, COO, TikTok, from April 2021, after serving as interim(暫定) CEO.

    • Future names: Sharon Yeshaya, CFO, Morgan Stanley

  • P33-34 Most Powerful Women International 2021
    • Rank No. 2: Jessica Tan, Co-CEO and Executive Director, Ping An, China

    • Rank No. 7: Dong Mingzhu, Chairwoman and President, Gree Electric Appliance, China

    • Rank No. 9: Helena Helmersson, CEO, H&M Group, Sweden

    • Rank No. 11: Isabel Ge Mahe, Vice President and Managing Director, Greater China, Apple, China

    • Rank No. 13: Maggie Wu(武卫), CFO, Alibaba, China
      • 蔡崇信把阿里巴巴的权力交给了一个女人,她是谁、魔鬼爸爸、2019.6.27 在6.18日张勇的公开信中,我们还发现一个细节,公开信中写到“同时,阿里巴巴集团CFO武卫兼任集团战略投资部负责人,实现战略投资业务与财务体系一体化。蔡崇信将继续协助武卫,帮助投资团队更好地成长。张勇在信中感谢蔡崇信从无到有搭建战略投资团队,为阿里巴巴发展提供重要的战略保障。”

    • Rank No. 20: Wang Fengying, Executive Vice Chairman and General Manager, Great Wall Motor, China

    • Rank No. 21: Joey Wat(屈翠容), CEO, Yum China(百胜餐饮中国)
      • 屈翠容、首席执行官 屈翠容女士自2018年3月起担任首席执行官。屈女士在管理咨询领域工作七年,包括于2000年至2003年在麦肯钖香港办公室任职。屈女士于2000年获得美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院管理硕士学位。

    • Rank No. 29: Xiaojing Christina ZHU, CEO and President, Walmart China, China

    • Rank No. 30: Han Seong-Sook, CEO and President, Naver, South Korea

    • Rank No. 31: Anne Rigail, CEO, Air France, Air France-KLM, France

    • Rank No. 33: Weisun Christianson(孙玮), Co-CEO, Asia-Pacific, and CEO, China, Morgan Stanley, China
      • 孙玮 Wei Sun Christianson、摩根士丹利亚太区联席CEO兼中国CEO 孙玮是摩根士丹利亚太区联席CEO兼中国CEO,公司全球管理委员会成员。在其领导下,摩根士丹利的离岸业务保持了多年的市场领先地位,同时她也积极拓宽了中国的在岸业务,打造了多个业务平台,为客户提供涵盖证券和债券承销、资产管理、私募股权投资和商业银行等全方位的金融服务。孙女士于1998年加入摩根士丹利的投资银行部门。她以优异成绩毕业于美国阿默斯特学院,并获美国哥伦比亚大学法学院颁发的法学博士学位。孙女士有三个儿子,和丈夫Jon Christianson常驻北京。

    • Rank No. 39: Maki Akaida(赤井田 真希), CEO, Uniqlo Japan, Fast Retailing Japan
      • [Wiki] 赤井田真希 群馬県、北海道での店長を経て、東京・銀座や中国・上海など国内外の大型店で成果を上げた。2011年に人事・採用・教育部部長に就任。その後、営業に戻り、九州・沖縄地区ブロックリーダー、全店店舗を担当する営業部責任者、グローバルマーケティング部部長などを歴任。2018年3月から2019年5月まで吉祥寺店で店長を務めた。同年5月、ファーストリテイリングのグループ執行役員に任ぜられ、直後の6月1日からユニクロの日本事業の最高経営責任者(CEO)に就任した。

    • Rank No. 40: Laura Cha(史美伦), Chairman, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearning(香港交易及结算所有限公司), Hong Kong
      • [百度百科] 史美伦 史美伦, 1949年12月生于上海,长在香港。前中国证监会副主席。2018年4月26日,香港交易所董事会宣布委任史美伦为董事会主席。2020年5月7日,史美伦再度获任香港交易所董事会主席。

    • Rank No. 41: Helen Wong, Group CEO, OCBC(新加坡华侨银行), Singapore
    • Rank No. 48: Kelly Zhang, CEO, China, ByteDance, China
      • [百度百科] 张楠 (北京字节跳动CEO) 80后,女性。2013年,张楠创业做图片社区App,后公司被字节跳动收购。张楠带领团队加入,开始负责字节跳动的UGC业务。2016年,张楠从0到1推出了抖音、火山等产品。

  • P36-48 Welcome to the TikTok Economy, The ultimate brain candy buffet is reshaping social media. Corporate America - and creators everywhere - are scrambling to capitalize. By Jeffrey M. O'Brien
    • TikTok's algorithm, the mysterious, all-seeing recommendation engine that powers the platform, instantly digests every pause, click, swipe, and share to serve up the brain candy buffet - unlimited helpings of 15-second, 30-second, or, sometimes but rarely, three-minute videos that have a way of gluing users to their phones for hours a time.

    • In September 2020 the company said that it now has more than one billion monthly active global users.

    • According to a recent report by the analytics firm App Annie , "TikTok has upended(ひっくり返した) the streaming and social landscape." In the U.S. and U.K., users spend more hours on TikTok, on average, than on YouTube.
      • [Wiki] アップアニー アップアニー(英: App Annie Inc.)は、アプリに関する市場データと分析ツールを提供している、アメリカ合衆国の私企業。アプリパブリッシャー上位100社の9割以上が利用し、アプリの調査会社としては世界で最も広く利用される企業となっている。本拠地はサンフランシスコ。世界11の国と地域に13のオフィスを持ち、日本では東京(霞ヶ関)に拠点(App Annie Japan)を持つ。フランス・パリ出身のバートランド・シュミット(Bertrand Schmitt)が、2010年に中国・北京で起業、2018年以降はテッド・クランツがCEOを務めている。

      • [LinkedIn] Bertrand Schmitt, Co-Founder of App Annie

      • [Crunchbase] App Annie Total Funding: $157.1M

      • アプリの未来を担うトップが語る真のグローバリズム、App Annie CEO バートランド・シュミット、2014年9月 グローバルマーケットで大ヒットとなったアプリは、いまだにひとつもないんです。それがわかれば、大金持ちになれることは間違いないですね(笑)。というのも実際、アメリカとヨーロッパ、東アジアでは、それぞれヒットするアプリが全然違う。フランスでうまくいったから、日本でもヒットするかというと、そうでもないんです。世界的に人気の「ゲームアプリ」ですが、ヒットするアプリは、国によってじつに多彩です。 → 2022.2.3時点において、TikTokは成功していると言えるのではないか。

    • TikTok has supercharged the so-called creator economy, a broad swath of entrepreneurs, influencers and side hustlers trying to convert their looks, humor, wisdom, connections, inhibition, insights, and dance moves into riches and stardom(スタートしての地位).

    • The social media giants are all vying(競争する) for their share of a marlet now valued at north of $104 billion, according to a recent report by Neo Ranch and Influencer Market Hub .
      • Influencer Market Hub Your one-stop resource for marketing under the influence. Put marketing within your reach.

    • Blake Chandlee is TikTok's president of global business solutions since early 2019. He worked for Facebook for 12 years from 2007, as VP of global partnerships.
      • Chandlee declares TikTok to be in a fundamentally different business compared with facebook.

      • Facebook is a social graph company, built to connect users and encourage them tune into mutual interest. Facebook harnesses vast amounts of user data to deliver personlized ads.

      • By contrast, Chandlee calls TikTok a content graph company, whose primary goal is not to connect but rather to entertain.TikTok is learning about you. It uses data for ad personalization targeted to personal interests and to serve interesting and novel vudeos.

      • The company professes concern over filtering bubbles, in which users are repeatedly exposed to a singular view point or style of content. So it deliberately mixes things up. "The algorithm is watching my behavior, and occationally it's serving me something that I hadn't identified with.", Chandlee says.

    • The TikTok algorithm's proficiency makes facebook and Instagram seem like social media 1.0 in comparison. On those platforms, user feeds are largely linear and incremental.

    • YouTube is more search-oriented. It offers recommendations, but users mainly search for videos and choose what to watch next. TikTok's "for you" feed tends to be more explosive. It's an auto-discovery engine serving up a dopamine hit with every swipe.

    • In 2020, TikTok opened a virtual Transparency and Accountability Center to educate those curious about its data practices and the inner-workings of its algorithm.
      • In a nutshell(概要), it serves new users a tranche of videos and monitors user behavior, including whether they watch to the end.

      • Machine learning technology analyzes those actions to recommend subsequent videos from similiar buckets, and the process continues.

      • Because it is rare to encounter a video with only a handful or even a few dozen views, speculation has it that every piece of content is sent to a minimun number of users, let's say 100. If it performs to certain benchmarks, the video is promoted more broadly, to 1,000 TikTokers, and then 10,000, then 100,000, and so on.

    • On the social graph, engagement, whether that means views, likes, or clicks, tends to correspond to the size of a user's following. But a brand-new TikToker can hit a million views on her first video with out a single follower. For content creators, this dynamic makes every creation a lottery ticket: it's their shot in 15 minutes of fame in exchange for perhaps 15 seconds of ingenuity(創意工夫), which makes them want to make more and more.

    • Musical.ly, TikTok's predecessor, was populated mainly by goofy lip-sync videos. Music and dance still permeate. Positivity, laughter, and of course youth largely rule the day - making for a nearly irresistible combination to marketers.

    • TikTok says that the number of companies running ads on its platform jumped 500% in 2020. "If you look at the top 500 brands, 70% are on the platform," Chandlee says.

    • According to the Wall Street Journal, TikTok parent ByteDance grew its revenue more than 100% in its most recent fiscal year and saw profits soar 93% to more than $19 billion.

    • Brands show up on TikTok on a number of ways:
      • They create their own ads, interspersed(散在、伝播) in a user's feed

      • For a premium, they can appear when a user first opens the app

      • They sponsor hashtag challenges and use various visual and gamification techniques provide by TikTok

      • Many brands have their own accounts, which they use to announce products, recruit employers, augment offline ads, or just to have a bit of fun.

      • And many work directly with content creators, who often has an innate sense for how to mix entertainment and shill(サクラ、托儿).

    • TikTok is actively fostering this community through its TikTok Creator Fund, which pays a stipend to users with a least 10,000 followers and more than 100,000 views in the last month, and with its Creator Marketplace, which brockers relationships between brands and creators while also providing post-campaign analytics tools.

    • Top creators can earn tens of thousands of dollars for a single sponsored post.

    • "For every million dollars that brands spend on influencer marketing on TikTok, they are seeing $7.2 million in sales over the first 90 days," says Seth Kean , CEO of ROI Influencer , a New York city company that measures engagement and sell-through across social media platforms. "That is 24% better than a combination of TikTok's peers, which includes Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube". The next best performer, Instagram, drives $6.6 million in sales for every million spent.
      • ROI Influencer Purchasing Behavior + Engagement Data, ROI Measurement for Brands and Influencers

    • YouTube announced a $100 million fund to pay creators to make content on its would-be TikTok-killer, YouTube Shorts .

    • TikTok Video: "The crazier, the better." "Don't make ads, make TikToks."

    • A list of the TikTokers, Instagram influencers, newsletter writers, and podcasters that you need to know. The full list






